Most chapters of this documentation is outdated temporarily now, the arch of elvisjs has just changed these days. The new documentation is coming, welcome to join and work with us together!

Calling Elvis

Rust crate doc downloads Discord Chat LICENSE

Is anybody home? The Evlis Book mainly talks about the usage of elvis, here is our roadmap, come and join us !~

Help Wanted

  • A static http/websocket development server #16
  • Documentation of ElvisJS #65
  • A Markdown parser using ElvisJS #66
  • Optimize the State machine #67

Getting Started

# Install elvis package manager
$ cargo install epm

# New your awesome-app
$ epm new my-awesome-app

# Start development server
$ cd my-awesome-app && epm dev
[INFO  warp::server] listening on

Hello, World!

fn main() {
//! src/
use elvis::{
    widgets::{layouts::Center, Text},

struct Index;

impl LifeCycle for Index {
    fn create(&self) -> Node {
        Center::with(Text::with("Hello, World!")).into()



Heartbreak Hotel.