Most chapters of this documentation is outdated temporarily now, the arch of elvisjs has just changed these days. The new documentation is coming, welcome to join and work with us together!


Note: In Progress.

Event and Gesture are out of wasm, this is not cool, but still awesome, Elvis implements these two trouble maker in Typescript, because wasm-bindgen doesn't support passing javascript Object to rust for now, BUT, it will be totally cool one day.


fn main() {
pub trait GestureDetector {
  fn on_double_tap(e: Event);
  fn on_force_press_end(e: Event);
  fn on_force_press_peak(e: Event);
  fn on_force_press_start(e: Event);
  fn on_force_press_update(e: Event);
  fn on_horizontal_drag_cancel(e: Event);
  fn on_horizontal_drag_down(e: Event);
  fn on_horizontal_drag_end(e: Event);
  fn on_horizontal_drag_start(e: Event);
  fn on_horizontal_drag_update(e: Event);
  fn on_long_press(e: Event);
  fn on_long_press_end(e: Event);
  fn on_long_press_move_update(e: Event);
  fn on_long_press_start(e: Event);
  fn on_long_press_up(e: Event);
  fn on_pan_cancel(e: Event);
  fn on_pan_down(e: Event);
  fn on_pan_end(e: Event);
  fn on_pan_start(e: Event);
  fn on_pan_update(e: Event);
  fn on_scale_end(e: Event);
  fn on_scale_start(e: Event);
  fn on_scale_update(e: Event);
  fn on_secondary_tap_cancel(e: Event);
  fn on_secondary_tap_down(e: Event);
  fn on_secondary_tap_up(e: Event);
  fn on_vertical_drag_cancel(e: Event);
  fn on_vertical_drag_down(e: Event);
  fn on_vertical_drag_end(e: Event);
  fn on_vertical_drag_start(e: Event);
  fn on_vertical_drag_update(e: Event);

Are we still cool now?

Gesture in calling-elvis implements with typescript, but elvis still keeps these apis, so we still can rust the web happily with Elvis without confuse.