Most chapters of this documentation is outdated temporarily now, the arch of elvisjs has just changed these days. The new documentation is coming, welcome to join and work with us together!


Follows MDN doc Multiple-column layout.

The very easy way to layout our pages, maybe fantastic in the old web, it means, the true web, I like it.


/* MultiColumn */ import { Colors, Elvis, MultiColumn, MultiColumnLineStyle, Text } from "calling-elvis"; // Generate an `MultiColumn` const myMultiColumn = MultiColumn( List( Text("Mercury"), Text("Venus"), Text("Earth"), Text("Mars"), Text("Jupiter"), Text("Saturn"), Text("Uranus"), Text("Neptune"), Text("Pluto"), ), { color: Colors.Black(), count: 3, gap: 20, style: MultiColumnLineStyle.Groove, });;

Homework: code a New York Times.


function MultiColumn( widget: Widget, { color: Colors, count: number, // no unit gap: number, // Rem style: MultiColumnLineStyle, }): Widget;

Enums 🍩

The style of MultiColumnLine.


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub enum MultiColumnLineStyle { None, Hidden, Dotted, Dashed, Solid, Double, Groove, Ridge, Inset, OutSet } }

If I were you, I will choose MultiColumnStyle.Groove, don't ask why.