Most chapters of this documentation is outdated temporarily now, the arch of elvisjs has just changed these days. The new documentation is coming, welcome to join and work with us together!


/* Text */
import { Center, Colors, Elvis, Text } from "calling-elvis";
    Text("Calling Elvis", {
      bold: true,
      color: Colors.PinkAccent(),
      italic: true,
      size: 42.0,
      weight: 700,
      height: 20,
      stretch: 100,

Text might be the most popular spider from Mars, Does it know the Great Ziggy Stardust?


function Text(text: string, {
  bold: boolean,
  color: Colors,
  italic: boolean,
  size: number,    // rem
  weight: number,  // rem
  height: number,  // rem
  stretch: number, // percent
}): Widget;