Most chapters of this documentation is outdated temporarily now, the arch of elvisjs has just changed these days. The new documentation is coming, welcome to join and work with us together!


Well this is an official tutorial for Elvis.


Use create-elvis-app

yarn create elvis-app

Use create-elvis-app to generate elvis structure directly.

Use elvis-cli

# create directly
mkdir my-awesome-app && cd my-awesome-app

# add elvis-cli
yarn global add elvis-cli

# add elvis library
yarn add calling-elvis

# elvis-cli will generate pages defaultly
elvis dev

Starting manually

# create directly
mkdir my-awesome-app && cd my-awesome-app

# add elvis library
yarn add calling-elvis
/* router */
import { Elvis } from "calling-elvis";
import Home from "./home";

new Elvis({
  home: Index(),
/* home */
import { Center, Text } from "calling-elvis";
const Home = () => Center(
  Text("Calling Elvis!")

export default Home;

Starting Rustly

Checkout elvis' rust doc